Posts Tagged :

Bran Hambric


150 150 Kaleb Nation

Many years ago, when I finished the first draft of BRAN HAMBRIC: THE FARFIELD CURSE, I launched and posted the first few chapters as a preview of my novel-in-progress. Now, nearly 10,000 downloads and a real publisher later, those preview chapters (in various degrees of editing) have crawled their way across the internet, and worked as a wonderful introduction for thousands of readers to the world of Bran Hambric.

I like the idea of letting readers preview a book before they buy it. If you were buying the book in a store, you’d be able to read as many chapters as you wanted. That’s why unlike most book previews, mine are usually a good chunk of the novel (the first one was the whole first 50 pages!). So I’ve decided to keep this tradition up with my next book.

In honor of June 17, Bran Hambric’s birthday, I’ve uploaded the first preview chapter of my upcoming sequel BRAN HAMBRIC: THE SPECTER KEY. This book is the second part in the Bran Hambric series. I will be uploading ONE preview chapter a month, leading up to 10/10/10 — the release date of the novel.

You can read the preview below or click here to download as a PDF.

Preview Of The New

150 150 Kaleb Nation


The new launches on 9/9/09! Can’t wait to show off all the new features. There’s an iPhone-snapped screenshot of the front page πŸ˜€

Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse Blog Tour

150 150 Kaleb Nation

Wowsa, it’s been forever since I’ve updated here! As some of you know, I’ve been really busy with my move to California, and for the past week I’ve been reduced to an iPhone and a tiny netbook to stay connected. My moving truck was three days late, so I’ve been sleeping on the floor of my new apartment — but now, everything is moved in, and I’ll be back to blogging as usual very soon!

Driving Through California!

Driving Through California!

Even though there’s just under a week until Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse is supposed to be in stores on 9/9/09, some bookstores have put the book out early! I’ve been keeping up with it all on Twitter — thanks to everyone who’s been sending me photos of the book in stores and videos of it arriving via mail! I’ll have more soon on all the wonderful videos and photos I’ve been getting πŸ˜€

Photo from

Photo from

Meanwhile, I wanted to let everyone know about the HUGE online blog tour that my publishers have arranged with some of the finest book and teen blogs on the internet! Many of these blogs will have prizes and exclusive Q&A’s about Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse, as well as reviews of the book. Be sure to check them out on the days below:

Sunday, August 30th

Karla Duff’s 6th Grade English Class

Jenn’s Bookshelf

Homespun Light

Monday, August 31st

Dolce Bellezza

Bobbi’s Book Nook

Tuesday, September 1st

The Looking Glass Review

Beth Fish Reads

SMS Book Reviews

James Holder’s YouTube Channel (video)

Wednesday, September 2nd

Reading Rumpus

Katie’s Literature Lounge

Ultimate Bookhound

Thursday, September 3rd

Brimful Curiosities

Charlotte’s Library

Friday, September 4th

Bran Hambric by Kaleb Nation

Saturday, September 5th

Library Lounge Lizard

Sarah’s Random Musings

Saulchichas (video)

Sunday, September 6th

Cindy’s Love of Books (video)

Monday, September 7th

Lauren’s Crammed Bookshelf

Grasping for the Wind

Life After Twilight vlog channel (video)

Tuesday, September 8th

Shooting Stars Magazine

Mrs. Magoo Reads

Lori Calabrese Writes

Wednesday, September 9th

Teens Writing for Teens

Twilight Novel Novice

Portland Examiner

The Brain Lair

Luna Louise

The Children’s Book Review

TV Watch Online

Thursday, September 10th

The Friendly Book Nook

Book Journey

Stephanie’s Written Word

Home School Buzz

Friday, September 11th

The Inside Scoop With Chandelle

Booking Mama

Saturday, September 12th

Zoe’s Book Reviews

Lit for Kids

Sunday, September 13th

Never Jam Today

A Bibliophile’s Reverie

Monday, September 14th

CafΓ© of Dreams

Marta’s Meanderings

A Book Blogger’s Diary

The Reader’s Quill

Tuesday, September 15th

a book in hand

Not Just for Kids

Wednesday, September 16th

Write for a Reader

Thursday, September 17th

Howling Good Books

The Written World

Friday, September 18th

Always Riddikulus

YA Books Central

Saturday, September 19th

Ms. Bookish

Into the Wardrobe

The Lateiner Gang Book Review Spot

Thanks to all the awesome site owners who have taken part! I’ve got some AWESOME announcements coming up later this week πŸ˜€

Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse BOOK TOUR

150 150 Kaleb Nation

I am very pleased to announce that Sourcebooks has put together an official BRAN HAMBRIC: THE FARFIELD CURSE Book Tour! I will be traveling to bookstores and schools all across the country, and hopefully I’ll be heading to a city near you. We only have two more weeks until 9/9/09, and the book will finally be in stores! So without further ado, here are the dates (if you’d like, you can download this as a printable PDF and stay updated on any changes through the Calendar page or



Northridge, CA

Wednesday, September 16

7:00 PM

Borders (Northridge-LA)

San Jose, CA

Tuesday, September 22

3:00 PM

Hicklebee’s Children’s Books

Tempe, AZ

Thursday, September 24

7:00 PM

Changing Hands Bookstore

Austin, TX

Friday, September 25

7:00 PM


Houston, TX

Saturday, September 26

4:00 PM

Katy Budget Books

Houston, TX

Sunday, September 27

2:00 PM

Murder By the Book

Oak Park, IL

Tuesday, September 29

7:00 PM

Magic Tree Bookstore

Naperville, IL

Wednesday, September 30

7:00 PM

Anderson’s Bookshop

New York, NY

Friday, October 2

3:00 PM

New York Public Library

New York, NY

Sunday, October 4

1:00 PM

Books of Wonder

Torrance, CA

Thursday, October 8

7:00 PM

Borders (Torrance-LA)

Salt Lake City, UT

Monday, October 12

7:00 PM

King’s English Bookshop

Huntington Beach, CA

Saturday, October 17

2:00 PM

Barnes & Noble

Reading Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse [Prologue]

150 150 Kaleb Nation

During my live BlogTV show yesterday, I read the prologue of my novel Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse to about 300 people. It was great because even though I was reading a book on a video show, I actually gained about 30 viewers by the end! Luckily, I was able to record this part of the show, for anyone who wasn’t able to make it. Hope you enjoy!

In this video I am reading from the ARC version of the book, which means it will be a little bit different when it is in stores on 9/9/09. If you’re looking to download preview chapters of the book (the four following the prologue!), head over to this page and you can read the first few chapters for free.

You can also download one of the two songs in the background of this video, titled “The Grave Of Emry Hambric”, at

Bran Hambric In The New York Times & WSJ

150 150 Kaleb Nation

It isn’t exactly the New York Times bestseller list (yet!), but my publisher’s recent decision to push back the e-book release of Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse has been causing a lot of buzz this week. The Wall Street Journal was the first to report:

bran-hambric-line-logoIn an interview, Sourcebooks’ chief executive said it will delay by at least half a year the e-book version of “Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse,” a young-readers title in the vein of Harry Potter that goes on sale Sept. 9. While the book is a debut novel, the author, Kaleb Nation, has a following with his blog.

Sourcebooks is issuing 75,000 copies of “Bran Hambric,” a sizable print run in this economy, and has arranged a substantial marketing campaign and book tour for Mr. Nation. (read more…)

This turned into more than a dozen big blogs getting in on the discussion. Now this evening, an article in the New York Times reported it as well:

nytlogo152x23Sourcebooks, an independent publisher, is releasing β€œBran Hambric: The Farfield Curse,” a novel aimed at children, in September in hardcover. It will hold back the e-book until six months later. (read more…)

For those of you not in the publishing biz, this basically means that Sourcebooks will not release an e-book or Kindle edition until about 6 months after the bookstores get it on 9/9/09 (only 56 days left!). At the same time, the hardcover goes for about $12 in most online stores, as opposed to the usual $20 or so for others, so all of you who have pre-ordered or who are waiting won’t notice the difference.

Thanks to the articles, there was a huge pre-order’s spike this morning for Bran Hambric. As if all that good stuff isn’t enough, Borders recently posted an interview they did with me at Book Expo America — this came the same day as the news that Borders is giving the book front-of-store placement (all you people waiting instead of pre-ordering, this means it’ll be VERY easy to find at Borders!). I talk about gnomes and writing and some creatures in the books (including winx, one of my own creations that you’ll find in The Farfield Curse). Click below to watch it:


And for anyone who didn’t catch it, the Wall Street Journal gave out a little bit of information that I haven’t mentioned before — that Sourcebooks is planning a book tour! I’ll have updates on that as soon as I know all the details πŸ˜€

For the comments: any suggestions of where I should go on that tour? (note: I don’t really get to pick, but it’ll be great to know where people are!).

New Features And Songs And Stuff

150 150 Kaleb Nation

There are some new features to point on on my site, and a bunch of little updates that I’ve been meaning to post, but just didn’t seem to merit an entire blog to themselves! So without further ado:

– I added an entirely new Fans page, where I’ll be posting some of the awesome stuff that BranFans are making. Creative people are always sending in photos or pictures they drew, so I’ll be collecting and putting them on that page, along with all their cool fansites and videos and music,

– I now have an Official Facebook page, aptly located at It is fan-run, but I will be dropping in at times to post updates,

– I have migrated the Chatroom to jointly be a part of this site, so BranFans and TwilightGuy readers alike can hang out. I’ll be dropping in at random times and there are a ton of cool people there every day, so be sure to check it out,

– I uploaded a new song from the Bran Hambric soundtrack to YouTube, and you can also download it for free! Listen below:

bran-hambric-line-logoQuestion time! Since there are only 85 days until Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse, I’ve been trying to think of cool stuff I should prepare as a countdown to the book release. I know that Stephenie Meyer always did some type of countdown where she would give quotes from the book a week or two leading up to the release. This would be a bit difficult for me to pull off since this is a first book, and nobody really knows who the characters are or what I’d be talking about. The only way anyone would understand it was if I forced them to read the preview chapters. FOR EXAMPLE:

Oh terrible nights of woe and destruction, as I break down and blow up all forms of construction!” he screamed in delight.

If you had never read the book or preview chapters, you might think that Bran had said this under the guise of the pronoun ‘he’, and suddenly feel to your horror that the book you undoubtedly pre-ordered (because ALL GOOD CITIZENS have preordered Bran Hambric*) is actually about a fat brat who likes being brazenly destructive**. ANOTHER EXAMPLE:

“Blast the library,” Sewey said. “We’re going where we can be as loud as we want and not get thrown out!”

“Yay, the zoo!” Balder oinked.

“No,” Sewey snorted. “A bookstore.”

In this case, while the characters are obviously not Bran, you might come to the conclusion that Sewey and Balder are Bran’s pet pigs who happen to talk***, which he keeps in his bedroom closet. Or, to your utter disgust, you might assume that Sewey and Balder are two friends of Bran’s, and that the line afterward would be

“Yes! Let’s burn all the books while we’re at it, comrades!” Bran Hambric sneered, whilst throwing rocks at old ladies and bending over to punch a small rabbit.****

which isn’t at all the case, at least with the book I wrote.

I don’t even know how I got onto that tangent, but as some people have mentioned, there are some of you who would still like a quotes-countdown. You can at least be sure that I’ve got a bunch of plans together to make it lots of fun before the release date!

QUESTION FOR THE COMMENTS: What are some cool things and ideas you would like to see happen as part of the Bran Hambric countdown?


*Obvious attempt at brainwashing

** No offense to those of you who are like this: I happen to have a character for you in the book, whose name also begins with the letter ‘B’.

*** Unfortunately, there are no talking pigs in Bran Hambric.

**** This does not appear in Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse. I am not barring it as a possibility from the sequel, however.

Bran Hambric To Be Published In Russia

150 150 Kaleb Nation

bran-hambric-line-logoI just received news this morning from my wonderful foreign rights agents that the Russian translation for BRAN HAMBRIC: THE FARFIELD CURSE has been sold to Eksmo, one of the largest publishing houses in Russia. Eksmo is well known for many authors, but especially for being the first Russian publishers of the ARTEMIS FOWL series.

Of course, I am wildly thrilled at this news. I hadn’t expected any foreign interest in Bran Hambric until the book was out and selling in the United States. But as with most happenings surrounding this book, I was delightfully surprised to see things unfold even better than I had thought. In fact, it was so unexpected, that the first I heard about the deal was this morning in an email! It was quite a wonderful thing to wake up to.

Seeing the books that Eksmo has put out so far (Artemis Fowl being one of my all-time favorite series) I have great confidence in this deal. I don’t know their release date for the book or what the cover will look like yet — I’ll keep my site updated with anything I get on that, because I can’t wait to see how Bran Hambric looks in Russian!

eksmoAlso, it is worth noting that once one country picks up foreign rights, it is quite common for many other countries to start reporting back from reviewing the advance copies they picked up at the London Book Fair. So for those of you who are eagerly awaiting Bran Hambric in your countries, I am more confident than ever before that we will soon get some good news for others around the world!

More Great Stuff From BranFans!

150 150 Kaleb Nation

branfansNow that I’ve finally slithered out of bed (after recuperating from jetlag thanks to hitting both US coasts in the same week!) I’ve been delightfully surprised to discover a whole wave of great new stuff from the BranFans! It has been a thrill seeing all the wonderful people already involved in the Bran Hambric fandom — with still just under 100 days left before the full book is even out!

For starters, check out this song from the wonderfully talented Adrienne Frailey, who wrote it as a tribute to Bran Hambric and recently recorded it between studio sessions for her upcoming album:

Not only that, but a ton of BranFans have been using music from the soundtrack in their own YouTube video creations! Here is one by HideTheMushrooms on YouTube that uses my song The Box In The Bookstore (which you can download for free) to make a music video interpretation of the song (I like how since no one has read up to the actual box-in-the-bookstore scene in the preview chapters, the video makers invented their own ending πŸ˜€ ):

I’ve been using Google recently to help keep up with the Bran buzz, and I’ve spotted a whole assortment of really cool startup fansites for the book: like the, BranHambricFansite, BranHambricByKN, TeamBranFans on YouTube (complete with another original song by Ethan, inspired by The Farfield Curse!), and a couple Bran Hambric and Kaleb Nation fan pages on Facebook. I’m amazed at how much all of these sites (and any I might have missed!) are doing to help spread the word about Bran Hambric!

And as for all the music: I’m so happy that there are already so many songs inspired by the book, when all anyone has read so far is the preview chapters! If you missed it, the Twilight-inspired band Bella Rocks! also has a song called “Emry’s Farewell” based on the prologue of the book. As an author, who created these characters and names and places, it feels wonderful seeing others find creative ways to take on my world.

A lot of the art that is used in these videos and websites is available for free from, including special computer wallpapers, buttons and widgets. Plus, at, you can now download four of the songs from the Bran Hambric soundtrack (and listen to nearly all of the others!). Kudos to all the great people for using their talents to make all this cool stuff πŸ˜€

FOR THE COMMENTS: What do you think of all the great Bran Hambric music and sites that are appearing?

My First Book Signing At Book Expo America 2009 [Video]

150 150 Kaleb Nation

Book Expo America 2009 was a BLAST! It is quite an amazing thing to go into an airplane-hangar-sized conference hall, and be surrounded by others from your own world of writing and publishing. I met countless authors and got a stack of books (including an advance copy of Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, a signed copy of the Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, and loads more).

My book signing for The Farfield Curse started at 11:00 AM, and there was already a short line formed. Once the time hit, people began to come from everywhere, and the signing didn’t really stop! There were so many people, we actually ran out of books, so that by the time the signing was over I simply couldn’t sign any more because there were none left to hand out. Hopefully this is a good sign for how it will do in stores πŸ˜€

I was interviewed for Borders Media by the one and only Pel from the Twilight Lexicon. It was a bit odd since it was my first film interview, and I had never been in a studio set up like it. There were five cameras, all set up at different angles, and they wired me up with a microphone and had lighting hanging all around. I also had to get film makeup put on — a first for me, and a bit itchy (it had to be explained to me that you actually have to wash it off afterward, ha ha). After BEA we headed over to Books Of Wonder, where I saw Tiger Beat play. Tiger Beat is a rock band entirely made of YA authors, with my editor Daniel Ehrenhaft on lead guitar and Libba Bray doing vocals. YES they were very good.

Even more exciting was the nearly-half-page article about me, and my Twitter/Youtube stuff in Publishers Weekly. As with the opening of pre-orders and the signing of Brandon Dorman, publishers generally tell their authors nothing until after we’ve read about it in the papers: I learned via the article that Bran Hambric will have front-of-store placement at Borders bookstore and a 75,000 copy first printing! There are no extra zeroes in that number. It was easily 4 times what I was expecting!

Here are some photos from the event (special thanks to my friend Becka for taking them!)

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